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<n...@blacklist.anitech-systems.invalid> wrote in news:h6cauq$f9v$1

> nemo_outis wrote:
>> PS  I too only use the software to synchronize my clocks.
>>  However, while I am grateful for the years of effort
>>    that ntp reflects, I am not blind to its warts.
>>   And while the opinions of a strong personality may have
>>    driven the creation of ntp, it seems those same
>>    rigidly-held opinions may now be restricting its
>>    further growth and development.
> I don't see how, it is open source.
>  You could get the source code, compile it for yourself,
>   modify it to turn it into a text editor, or scientific
>   calculator if you wanted to.
>  If you (anyone) were to make the necessary changes, test,
>   ... and if it did turn out to be of significant value,
>   it seems unlikely to me that the maintainer / developer
>   / committer / ... team(s) would not accept the code changes,
>   or add you as a committer, ...

First, it seems somewhere between naive and disingenuous to pretend that 
ntp, despite being (quasi-)open source (It *IS* copyrighted!), does not 
have a significant "political overhead" from a dominant figure that has, 
for instance, inhibited such aspects as updating the RFC. 

But, putting that aside, let me remind you of Thoreau's remark, "I came 
into this world, not chiefly to make this a good place to live in, but to 
live in it...."  And so with ntp.

If I state that ntp has a defect, that no more imposes an obligation on 
me to remedy it than it does on its current author(s).  We may happily 
continue to ignore one another.  

But that does not invalidate my (and others') observation of the defect!


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