Rob van der Putten wrote:
> Hi there
> Pete Ashdown wrote:
>> I've bought a number of clocks from Germany that use DCF-77 for time
>> set/synchronization.  Needless to say, here in the states I can't use 
>> DCF-77.
>> I have see a number of GPS -> DCF-77 converters, but since I have a 
>> GPS synced
>> NTP server, I'd rather just pull time from the client Linux box next 
>> to my
>> desk.  Does anyone have or know of a USB or serial device that can 
>> output a
>> DCF-77 signal to a number of clocks (4)?
> You could send a series of pulses from a serial port to the clocks.
My assumption was that Pete Ashdown is a collector. Or at least bought
the clocks as collectibles.
So taking them apart to fiddle with the innards is not the prefered option
while providing an "old european" limited DCF77 environment would help


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