Frank Elsner wrote:
> David Lord wrote:
>> Frank Elsner wrote:
>>> David Lord wrote:
>>>> Frank Elsner wrote:
>>>>> Steve Kostecke wrote:
>>>   [ ... ]
>>>>>> Do you have a driftfile line?
>>>>> Yes, this one:
>>>>>                  116.833
>>>> ?
>>>> I'll guess that's content of your drift file rather than
>>>> location specified in ntp.conf.
>>> ntp.conf:           driftfile /var/lib/ntp/drift
>>> /var/lib/ntp/drift: 116.803
>> I know you can now have above this but I've always tried
>> to adjust the kernel in some way to get below 10ppm. My
>> experience has been that ntpd doesn't behave well with
>> drifts > 50ppm and also large drifts take a long while
>> for offset to converge.
>> I didn't post after I'd seen you were useing a vm, but
>> now I see you confirmed you're not :-)
> I wonder where this "useing a vm" comes from. Your not the first :-)

I couldn't see vm mentioned in your message.

but it was mentioned in Unruh's message.

! Subject: Re: ntpd: time reset problem
! References: <> 
! Message-ID: <zqtrm.43872$db2.13...@edtnps83>
! Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2009 16:04:47 GMT

One other way I've seen clock shoot off by very large amount
when under load is with too high a Hz kernel setting. If you
have it set to 1000Hz it may be worth trying 100Hz. Doing
that may degrade network performance though.


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