In article <>, says...
> On Sat, 17 Oct 2009, David Woolley wrote:
> > Not sure which direction of bias you were expecting.  The computer
> > fashion junkies, with their case modding obviously don't care, but...
> Against SS.
> > The most important radio time standard is GPS, which is in the low GHz.
> But those are mostly-vertical line of sight transmissions.  Unless the
> translucent-case computers are sitting in a zeppelin parked between you and
> the satellite, they shouldn't hurt very much.
> ---- Michael Deutschmann <>

You may be suprised at just how far away a badly suppressed/screened PC 
can affect things at VHF/UHF!   It doesnt have to be in your "line of 
sight" to what you want.  Your antenna does not have just the one 
responce where you point it, it has other responses off the side too.

Sometimes, not that many dB down on the main lobe either!


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