"David J Taylor" <david-tay...@blueyonder.not-this-bit.nor-this.co.uk.invalid> 

>"Hal Murray" <> wrote in message 
>>>NTPD is at its best from about 2300 local time to 0700 local time. The
>>>net quiets down and NTP packets travel with minimal and highly
>>>predictable delays.
>> Except at 3 AM when the cron jobs go off and warm up the system.

>Many such temperature variations must have a fairly strong 24-hour cyclic 
>component, so would there be an improvement in performance if NTP could 
>remember the frequency (or whatever) averaged over, say, the last seven 
>days, and use this as an expected base value?

except or course weekends, and that Friday when siddenly that damn 500 page
report is due and you have written 2 pages so far. 
Far better for ntp to have measurements of the internal temp and use those to


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