On 2009-12-25, Marc-Andre Alpers <m-a.alp...@web.de> wrote:
> Es schrieb Rob:
>> Be patient.  After a while things will stabilize and you can make another
>> judgement about the accuracy of your offset.
> I think that's good enough for me. Time1 0.0315
>     remote      refid   st t when poll reach  delay offset  jitter
> LOCAL(0)        .LOCL.  10 l   59   64  377   0.000  0.000   0.001
>*SHM(0)          .DCFa.   0 l   30   64  377   0.000 -0.296   0.194
> ntp1.sda.t-onli .PPS.    1 u   89  128  377  32.622 -0.116   2.408
> ntp1.sul.t-onli .PPS.    1 u   78  128  377  38.116 -0.156   4.512
> metasweb01.admi .HBGi.   1 u   80  128  377  39.068  0.323   0.559
> chronos.zedat.f .PPS.    1 u   84  128  377  40.878 -2.532  20.878
> ntp1.rrze.uni-e .DCFp.   1 u   76  128  377  36.008  0.583   0.930

Please keep in mind that this data is only an snapshot.

Comparing peer offsets over a long period of time (e.g. at least a day)
will give you a better value for time1.

First enable statistics collection; specifically for the peerstats file.

Then, after you collect a suitable amount of data, use peer.awk from the
Distribution tarball scripts directory to process the data. The
summarized statistics will include mean, maximum, and rms offset for
each time source.

Steve Kostecke <koste...@ntp.org>
NTP Public Services Project - http://support.ntp.org/

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