"Richard B. Gilbert" <rgilber...@comcast.net> wrote in message news:nkkdnyae0nzw5-zwnz2dnuvz_uli4...@giganews.com...
David J Taylor wrote:
Most likely asymmetrical paths, yes. To answer your implied question, it is most /unlikely/ that the USA National Time is 17 milliseconds away from Japan National Time, if that's what you were thinking. National time differences are likely to be microseconds or less, I believe.

I believe that the word "less" is appropriate here but might be called an understatement. I'd guess that the various national time standards are within nanoseconds or less.

Thanks for the update, Terje and Richard. You must need more digits in the NTP billboard display, then! <G>

I remember the flying of caesium or other atomic clocks round the world, and that folks had to invoke relativistic corrections. Were these better than microseconds as well?

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