On Mar 17, 03:30 UTC, Joseph Gwinn wrote:
> Looking in section B.2.2 of RFC 1305 yields that the Peer Status Field has 
> four
> subfields, the last (rightmost) one of which being the 4-bit Peer Event Code
> (page 57), which is defined for values between 0 and 5, and is "reserved" for
> values 6 to 15.
> Well, I have been seeing two values of Peer Status, 9614 and 963a, both
> hexidecimal.  I understand 9614, but 963A is a mystery, as it implies a Peer
> Event Code of 10 (the "A" in the rightmost digit), which is undefined and
> reserved in RFC 1305.  

Scan for "PEVNT_" in ntp.h:


#define PEVNT_MOBIL     (1 | PEER_EVENT) /* mobilize */
#define PEVNT_DEMOBIL   (2 | PEER_EVENT) /* demobilize */
#define PEVNT_UNREACH   (3 | PEER_EVENT) /* unreachable */
#define PEVNT_REACH     (4 | PEER_EVENT) /* reachable */
#define PEVNT_RESTART   (5 | PEER_EVENT) /* restart */
#define PEVNT_REPLY     (6 | PEER_EVENT) /* no reply */
#define PEVNT_RATE      (7 | PEER_EVENT) /* rate exceeded */
#define PEVNT_DENY      (8 | PEER_EVENT) /* access denied */
#define PEVNT_ARMED     (9 | PEER_EVENT) /* leap armed */
#define PEVNT_NEWPEER   (10 | PEER_EVENT) /* sys peer */
#define PEVNT_CLOCK     (11 | PEER_EVENT) /* clock event */
#define PEVNT_AUTH      (12 | PEER_EVENT) /* bad auth */
#define PEVNT_POPCORN   (13 | PEER_EVENT) /* popcorn */
#define PEVNT_XLEAVE    (14 | PEER_EVENT) /* interleave mode */
#define PEVNT_XERR      (15 | PEER_EVENT) /* interleave error */
#define PEVNT_TAI       (16 | PEER_EVENT) /* TAI */

To match the literal text output by ntpd/ntpq when decoding, see also


There may be an easier way, but looking at the source comes naturally
to me.

Dave Hart

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