
On Apr 13, 2010, at 1:45 PM, Marc Fromm wrote:
> If I restart the ntpd service the time is updated to the correct time:
> /sbin/service ntpd restart
> If I run the command below the time is updated to the correct time:
> ntpdate -u time-nw.nist.gov
> If I don't do any of the above my time is never updated and the server 
> becomes hours behind.
> How or when does ntpd automatically update the time?

It's quite possible that the service script for ntpd invokes ntpdate to reset 
the clock, just as you've done by hand, but then something is wrong with ntpd's 
configuration such that it can't keep the clock sync'ed afterwards.

Please show the list your /etc/ntp.conf and the output of "ntpq -pc rv 


PS: If your machine is losing hours of time, this suggests the RTC or battery 
might be toast, or something might be losing clock interrupts rather 

It also might be the case that you are running inside a virtual machine 
environment like Xen or VMware, in which case you should have mentioned this 
information originally (and, in which case, you should run ntpd in the Dom0 or 
master host environment and not a DomU).

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