nemo_outis wrote:
Rick Jones <> wrote in news:hq59ef$1p1$1

nemo_outis <> wrote:
However, it would be irresponsible for Unruh and others here not to
point out that a much better timekeeping solution is readily
available - a solution which is technically easy to implement.
Slapping a GPS onto a system on land in a "radio transparant"
structure may indeed be technically easy, but is the *solution* here
easy?  How many decks down is this client?  How far below decks will
the GPS signal penetrate?  How many water-tight bulkheads must be
traversed to get from the antena to the client?  Is there any free
space in the existing through-holes the network traverses? Will any of
the other things traversing the through holes along with the network
cable(s) interfere with the single traversing the antenna cable to be
added? Presumably we cannot trust the network here, which means
getting GPS signals to the client.

rick jones

One wonders if that might relate to some of the network problems -
interference with the network cables - so checking link-layer stats on
the client, the switch etc would be goodness.

I'll turn aside from my original purpose, bashing Rob for his affected ennui at Unruh's GPS suggestion, to consider your much more reasoned points. But first a prefatory divagation :-)

It is frequently the case that OPs (for a variety of reasons) misstate or mispecify their problem or overconstrain its solution (either in terms of what can or must be done or what can't or mustn't). I submit that the current OP is a classic case.

In a nutshell: The OP has stated that he can't implement a GPS sensor solution. (His dismissal of this is a terse, "That's our policy. I can't decide for that.") On the other hand, there appears to be an emerging consensus on this newgroup that network problems associated with variable and irregular latency would vitiate any timekeeping solution (to the 1 ms level) and that the network problems must be addressed first.

Now I invite you to consider this: Given the lack of stroke of the OP and/or the recalcitrance of the ship's management, what is the likelihood that, having rejected something as simple as using a GPS receiver (which is likely *already* available on any modern oceanographic ship) that they would approve the OP's "dicking" with the network, a process which is far more likely to be disruptive? While anything is possible, the likelihood is that a ship's management that won't let the OP use GPS won't let him mess with the network (or install a substitute network). And, if that is the case, the OP is - to use a technical term - fucked.

Now, turning to your points above, could there be technical problems with implementing GPS? Yep, just as you point out. Well, no, not exactly as you point out. For the (potential) problems you point out (and we're both speculating here) have little to do with using a GPS sensor, per se, but rather with cobbling up a *separate and independent network* for transmission and propagation of the GPS signals within/through the ship. Once again we're back to network problems, not GPS/timekeeping ones.


One possible solution is using radio controlled clocks. I have a wristwatch that uses a radio signal to correct itself. I also have a wall clock that does the same. Both work very well.

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