
The number of samples in the clock filter has nothing to do with the selection process, nor whether the peer is the system peer or not. The selection alogorithm doesn't even know how many samples are in the filter, only that the filter candidate that is used has least delay. The selection metric includes that and the dispersion at the measurement time, plus the dispersion increment since then. When two or more servers are configured at substantially the same delay, the client may occasionally hop from one to the other depending on these factors, although there is a anti-hop scheme that discourages this unless there is a substantial difference.

What bugs me when these issues appear on the bugs list is when it is not a bug but a design issue which which should not be so narrowly confined. I often get two or more messages about the same issue from different folks and I wind up replying to each one separately. It's the strongest advice I can give is to view the architecture briefing on the NTP project page before submitting reports like that.


blu wrote:

On Jun 5, 4:11 pm, David Mills <> wrote:

This issue is widely misunderstood; yours is the second such message to
me today. So, please spread the word.

When a server loses all sources it does not necessarily become
unsuitable for downstream clients. Ordinarily, it inherits error
statistics from upstream servers and provides them to downstream
clients. Servers and clients use these statistics to calculate the
maximum error statistic which represents the maximum clock error
relative to the primary reference clock. See the error budget called out
in the specification. Once determined, the maximum error increases at a
rate (15 PPM) determined as the maximum disciplined clock frequency
error of the server clock. This increase continues indefinitely or until
the sources are again found.

Since you have requested that this be discussed on the newgroup rather
than in bug 1554, I am replying here.

In bug 1554, the reporter claims that what you describe above is what
he sees happen if the clock filter contains 4 to 7 samples. However,
he says that if the clock filter is full with 8 samples, then the
system peer is unselected and a no_sys_peer event is posted. This is
in contradiction of what you keep describing as the correct behavior,
but then you keep saying that the reported behavior is correct. Since
the behavior he is reporting is not the same correct behavior as you
keep describing it, we have continued to treat this as a bug.

So, you need to either confirm that this change in behavior at 8
samples is correct and amend your description,  or confirm that your
description is correct and admit that the reported behavior is a bug.
Or deny the reported behavior happens (I tend to favor this at this
point. I suspect user error right now.) In either of these last two
cases, we should probably still discuss this in the bug report.

Brian Utterback

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