Marcelo Pimenta wrote:

I thought that SNTP was used in a kind of "Intranet" with no routers and no
internet, so the low latency there is no need of so much calculations to
adjust the clock.

As W32Time is not fully NTP compliant, out of the box, it is probably currently true that most SNTP use is over the LAN, although the domain controller is still likely to use it over the internet.

At one time, it is possible that home use shifted it towards being mainly internet. Even nowadays, ADSL routers are likely to use it over the internet; I'm not sure how the number of those relates to the number of business machines in Windows domains.

Yeh!! You are right!! RFC is the same. But, the server can respond SNTP e
NTP request? Or the request is the same? If not the same, who decide it? The
client? If client ask SNTP to the server, it will respond SNTP?

On the wire, SNTP is NTP with certain fields ignored, and certain constraints (that are often violated). I'm fairly sure that a valid SNTP server can double as a stratum 1 NTP server. An NTP server can always double as an SNTP server, and does not have to do anything to distinguish that its client is SNTP.

So, Windows XP use SNTP when I put an IP server to sincronize through

Windows tends to use a broken SNTP. Recent versions can be configured to act as (almost?) compliant NTP clients and servers.

I can't use ntpd, I have an equipment for specific use with RFC2030
implemented because of a standard that say it is mandatory SNTP - RFC2030.

Bad specification. In any case, you can still run the NTP PLL, even if you can never configure more than one server. There may be some subtlety I have missed, but I think an NTP client will be compliant with SNTP if used at stratum 2.

My equipment ask for time every minute and frequence tolerance of the
crystal is less then 1ms/min. They are in a intranet with 2 switches
isolated so... my question was about the SNTP because some people said to me
that SNTP cannot garantee 1ms accuracy. Is it possible, in that described
cenario to no have 1ms of accuracy?

SNTP as used on Windows to access the Microsoft timeserver certainly can't. Anything that runs on Windows that sets the clock on ever poll almost certainly can't for any reasonable application load. On Linux you have to beware of interrupt latency, NIC interrupt aggregations.

Ordinary Windows applications won't be able to read the time to 1ms accuracy, unless the machine is very lightly loaded and you turn up multi-media timers to their fastest setting (and use a recent version).

There is no architectural reason why an implementation of SNTP should not achieve a 1ms 100 percentile error bound, but I doubt there are many real life cases.

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