Matuschka, Sebastian <> wrote:
>>I think you mean that you have a 1PPS source that is synchronized to
>>DCF-77 but does not send the actual received DCF-77 signal.
>>In that case it should be OK to use it to increment a clock.
> No, it really is a DCF-77 signal.
>>However, when you have expectations that you can control what source
>>is used to sync your clock, and how quickly that switches, you cannot
>>use ntpd.  It does not offer that control.
> I don't want to control what source is used, just how fast it is switched 
> when the signal is lost.
> minpoll and maxpoll seem to control that, and i guess i just need smaller 
> maxpoll than the one that is allowed.

This is not what minpoll and maxpoll do!
The control you desire is not available in ntpd.
Either you change your expectations, or you change to another program.

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