Hi everyone,

Thank you for your responses. Sorry about the ambiguity.

1. Atleast if not a 100,000 all at a time, say 10000 client requests at a time 
hitting the server. 

2. I want to see how long the server takes to serve a 100,000 requests totally, 
if 5000 or 10000 requests are received at the same time.
3. Also, while serving these 100,000 requests, if there are any failures.
4. Are there any established performance results for ntpd already?

Thanks for your help.


From: David Woolley <da...@ex.djwhome.demon.invalid>
To: questions@lists.ntp.org
Sent: Sun, September 26, 2010 9:06:42 AM
Subject: Re: [ntp:questions] Test ntpd performance

R C wrote:
> Hi all,
> Thanks for your prompt response.
> My main intension of this scalability testing is to find out 
> 1. how long it takes for the ntpd server to serve 100,000 clients. 

Why would they all try to hit it at the same time?

However, if they did, the timing is likely to be dominated by ethernet 
back-offs. which will not be well simulated by a single test source.  Also the 
roundtrip time will be poor if they all hit at once.

> 2. What is the rate at which the server can process client requets

Almost certainly, the rate at which the network can deliver them.

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