The average user doesn't read such documentation.

The average user, if they believe anything at all, seems to believe that there is no combining algorithm and the server with the * on the ntpq peers display is the only one used to discipline the clock. This is why they get so concerned about exactly which source has the *.

No, I haven't done a survey of users, but you can tell it by what gets posted on this newsgroup.

Note that I was describing the combining algorithm, rather than the selection one.

Top posted against my better judgement.

David L. Mills wrote:

As you might see from the online documentation, much of the tutorial material has been largely rewritten. Awhile back, some kind soul pointed out a logical discrepancy in the select algorithm. That was repaired, the code updated and the documentation refreshed. The pages linked from "How NTP Works" is offered as a definitive tutorial that might clear the air on these issues.


David Woolley wrote:

Miroslav Lichvar wrote:

On Tue, Jan 04, 2011 at 02:35:13PM -0500, Richard B. Gilbert wrote:

The problem with using only two servers is that NTPD has no means of
determining which is more nearly correct when the two differ, as
they inevitably will!

ntpd will pick the one with smaller distance if their intervals
overlap. Otherwise they both will be falsetickers.

In this case, ntpd will use an average of both of them, when the confidence intervals overlap; it will not pick just one except for the purposes of providing downstream error statistics.

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