How much CPU it has used right after start? Is it more than fifth of
the 0.484 (which would be spent in 0.5 days)?

I don't know. On another, less powerful, single-core PC, it's used 3.5s total CPU since December 24.

Here, ntpd -q takes 14 milliseconds of CPU, including system time.

Note that CPU power consumption depends on which sleep state it's in
and it usually takes a lot of time to switch to/from deeper states, so
it's more energy efficient to load CPU once for 0.5 seconds than 50000
times for 10 microseconds.

Miroslav Lichvar

Miroslav, as Bill (unruh) says, launching a process involves a lot more than CPU - e.g. disk access. Far more energy to launch (as it will likely be out of any disk cache) than the microsecond of CPU a steady running ntpd may use every second.

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