On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 02:47 UTC, Mike S <mi...@flatsurface.com> wrote:
> At 02:18 PM 1/18/2011, unruh wrote...
>> Especially as ntpd uses only one of every 8 polls,
> Is this relatively recent behavior?

No.  See the "Clock filter algorithm" slide 13 in:


> I can't provide NTP version #s
> immediately, but it used to be I could "watch ntpq -p", and see the offset
> and jitter change with each poll. More recently, I don't see this. I haven't
> counted, but 1 of 8 sounds about right.
> Is it ignoring 7 of 8 (if so, why, instead of 8x polling interval?), or is
> it averaging the 8, then using the average?


ntpq -p -c "rv &1"

to see the detailed peer variables for the first association, or
change the 1 to 2 for the second association, etc.  Among those are
the 8 clock filter entries (or 24 since each entry has a dispersion,
delay, and apparent offset).  Whichever entry has the lowest delay is
presumed (wisely IMO) to have the least error in the apparent offset.

Dave Hart
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