On 3/17/2011 6:09 PM, Gautam Thaker wrote:
I have a stable drift value on my fedora 12 node and everything is
running well. (offsets are well below 1msec). If I now stop 'ntpd'
will my time start to drift relative to the 'correct time' by the PPM
value in the drift file? Or is it that ntpd has already set things up
so that corrections as per last value of drift file will continue
indefinitely? If it is the latter and if indeed my drift value is
quite good (as ntpd had run for many days already), it seems I can go
for many more days w/o ntpd and not get very much out of sync at all.

Any comments welcome. Thanks.


What problem are you trying to solve??

The only way to be certain is to test it! I suspect that much depends on the temperature and load on the machine. If both are constant it may take a long time for the time drift noticeably.

If you really need the time to stay within, say, 100 microseconds then forget your scheming and just make sure that NTPD is running 24x7!

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