Miguel Gonçalves <m...@miguelgoncalves.com> wrote:
> unruh <un...@wormhole.physics.ubc.ca> wrote:
>> Miguel Gonçalves <m...@miguelgoncalves.com> wrote:
>>> For redundancy, I've configured a Cisco switch as a stratum 2 server.
>> Here's the relevant information:
>>> $ ntpq -pcrv
>>> remote           refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
>>> ==============================================================================
>>> +ntp0.as34288.ne .PPS.  1 u  814 1024 377  72.750 -1.084  0.780
>>> +canon.inria.fr  .GPSi. 1 u  399 1024 377  55.110  0.218  0.400
>> What are those machines? You have names rather than IP addresses.
>> Are they your pps machines?
> No. This is a stratum 2 server and it gets the time from stratum 1 servers
> thus the names and not IP addresses.

FYI ntpq -n ...

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