On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 11:28:22PM +0000, unruh wrote:
> On 2011-11-30, Miroslav Lichvar <mlich...@redhat.com> wrote:
> > On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 10:24:45PM +0000, unruh wrote:
> >> If he has peerstats log file, he can look at it and see what teh offset
> >> is of the oncore and the other ntp sources to see if it is really
> >> misbehaving that badly. Also, if it is out by 16 sec, why in the world
> >> has ntp not stepped the time? The threshold is 128ms. 
> >
> > I think it did step and more than once. I'd suspect a bug in the
> > firmware in the GPS-UTC offset handling, current offset is 15 seconds
> > and that is visible in one of the ntpq outputs in the original post.
> But how could he get a 16 second offset, after starting out with a .1 s
> and 1 s offset. At 500PPM, 16 sec takes 32000 sec  (10 hr) to accumulate
>  which is poll interval 15. Ie, I cannot see how ntpd could have
>  allowed that huge an offset to occur. 

ntpd doesn't step more than once per 15 minutes. What I think was
happening: on start the clock is good to couple ms, NTP servers are
not reachable yet, but GPS is off by 16s, ntpd steps immediately; GPS
is off by 15s, NTP servers are off by 16s, ntpd doesn't step yet; GPS
and NTP are off by 16s, ntpd steps back and stabilizes.

The loopstats log would be useful.

Miroslav Lichvar
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