Paul wrote:
> somebody wrote:
> > >==========================================================================
> ====
> > >  LOCAL(0)        .LOCL.          10 l 2028   64    0    0.000    0.000   
> 0.000
> > > *GPS_NMEA(0)     .GPS.            0 l   43   64  377    0.000  -10.969  1
> 1.575
> > 
> > GET RID OF LOCAL. Sorry to shout but so many distributions have totally
> > incompetent instructions. LOCAL is the clock itself. It it is totally
> > and utterly useless for keeping time. Setting a clock with itself as the
> > reference will always say that the clock is exactly right, and will
> > always be totally wrong. 
> Okay, how do I get rid of local? Is it a configure option?

Find the line in your ntp.conf file that looks like:

 server 127.127.1.x ...

and comment it out or remove it.

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