What OS are your hosts running? If it's Windows, millisecond, not microsecond accuracy will be what you can get at best when syncing over the network.

A mixture of linux flavours and solaris. For the linux hosts I have a little more control over which version of ntpd I deploy. For the solaris ones, the stock version is ancient, not sure I have much control over that one but it could be raised if necessary.

I read that folk who want the best accuracy will run FreeBSD rather than Linux, but also that recent versions of Linux may not be as bad. How much the NTP version will affect the accuracy on such systems I don't know, nor how well Solaris performs.

If you really need microsecond, I suspect you will be looking at a GPS receiver or two at each site, and distributing the PPS (pulse per second) signal to each host, and praying that the hosts have a serial port connection!

Well that's the rub - some of them don't :) If nothing else it might inform new hardware purchases though. Some of these sites vary in their willingness to allow GPS antenas on roofs as well, joy.


My gut feeling is that without GPS, microsecond accuracy is out of reach, and likely without a direct PPS connection to the box as well.

It may not apply here, but is the requirement at all realistic? Was it dreamt up off the top of someone's head? What happens if you say that (for example) 100 microseconds is the best you can get. It's not high-energy physics or radio astronomy, is it?

Not sure I can help any further, except to point you to my "best" PC, which is a dual-core Intel Atom box, doing nothing other than time serving, connected to a roof-mounted GPS, running FreeBSD. It's in a domestic, non-temperature controlled, environment.


The zero line of the graph is at +20 microseconds, as MRTG doesn't plot negative numbers. The long term drift on the "yearly" graph is an MRTG issue. The "spike" of several microseconds you see on Wednesday is just the heating coming on here. Windows systems do not do as well:


You were planning on temperature controlled rooms for these systems, I suppose?

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