Redwood City, CA - 2011/12/24 - The NTP Public Services Project
( is pleased to announce that NTP 4.2.6p5,
a Point Release of the NTP Reference Implementation from the
NTP Project, is now available at and

File-size: 4202539 bytes

MD5 sum: 00df80a84ec9528fcfb09498075525bc  ntp-4.2.6p5.tar.gz
Focus: Bug fixes
Severity: Medium 
This is a recommended upgrade. 

This release updates sys_rootdisp and sys_jitter calculations to match the
RFC specification, fixes a potential IPv6 address matching error for the
"nic" and "interface" configuration directives, supresses the creation of
extraneous ephemeral associations for certain broadcastclient and
multicastclient configurations, cleans up some ntpq display issues, and
includes improvements to orphan mode, minor bug fixes and code clean-ups.

New features / changes in this release:


 * Updated "nic" and "interface" IPv6 address handling to prevent 
   mismatches with localhost [::1] and wildcard [::] which resulted from
   using the address/prefix format (e.g. fe80::/64)
 * Fix orphan mode stratum incorrectly counting to infinity
 * Orphan parent selection metric updated to includes missing ntohl()
 * Nonprintable stratum 16 refid no longer sent to ntp
 * Duplicate ephemeral associations suppressed for brodcastclient and
   multicastclient without broadcastdelay
 * Exclude undetermined sys_refid from use in loopback TEST12
 * Exclude MODE_SERVER responses from KoD rate limiting
 * Include root delay in clock_update() sys_rootdisp calculations
 * get_systime() updated to exclude sys_residual offset (which only
   affected bits "below" sys_tick, the precision threshold)
 * sys.peer jitter weighting corrected in sys_jitter calculation


 * -n option extended to include the billboard "server" column
 * IPv6 addresses in the local column truncated to prevent overruns

Please report any bugs, issues, or desired enhancements at

The NTP (Network Time Protocol) Public Services Project, which is
hosted by Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. (,
provides support and additional development resources for the
Reference Implementation of NTP produced by the NTP Project
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