On 2012-01-25, Uwe Klein <u...@klein-habertwedt.de> wrote:
> unruh wrote:
>> On 2012-01-24, DaveB <g8...@uko2.co.uk> wrote:
>>>In article <VUBSq.3384$%x7.3...@newsfe10.iad>, un...@invalid.ca says...
>>>>>Usually, that sort of hardware has a way to turn off the interrupt.
>>>>>It's something like you write a bit in a register to "ACK" that
>>>>>interrupt.  When the external signal turns off, it clears that bit.
>>>>>The info should be in the fine print if you can get a good data sheet.
>>>>I have looked carefully, and can onlyfind a bit for turning off
>>>>interrupts (which of course does not turn on again). That would be fine
>>>>if it were edge triggered, but not for level triggered.
>>>When you program that I/O bit to "turn off" interupts on that port, it 
>>>probably clears a latch too, so that it is ready for the next change in 
>>>input level to trigger another IRQ.
>>>See if you can find some original IBM PC schematics and bios listings on 
>>>t'interweb somewhere.  We all learnt a lot back in the day from them.
>> The problem is that these parallel cards are different from the original
>> parallel cards. There use level triggered interrupts so that they can
>> share interrupts with other devices. The PC parallel used edge triggered
>> interrupts which also were unsharable. 
>> A sharable interrupt should allow you to switch off the interrupt until
>> the clear edge occurs, at which point the interrupt should switch on
>> again. 
>>>Just about all the plugin cards and adapters since then, were designed 
>>>to behave in much the same way, if not using the same circuitry, just 
>>>integrated all into one small bit of plastic.
>> Nope. they are not. They use totally different interrupt numbers, 
> Not really significant, is it?

In principle no, in practice yes. The original parallel port cards were
interrupt non shared cards with very specific interrupts spelled out in
the IBM bios/hardware specs, and specific addresses. These have shared
level triggered interrupts at totally different interrupt numbers,
different port addresses. Those are symptoms that these are not"
designed to behave in much the same way". They are not. 

>> and logic. 
> The basic register setup is the same. ( braindead but legacy compatible)
> I've had my fair share of "intercourse" with those, though not for pps
> stuff but for talking fast to external hardware via ECP/EPP.

While the details of most of the registers is the same, the addresses
are very different. 
The problem with pps is that the ack line does not get taken down by the
interrupt service. It stays high from 1 to a few hundred milliseconds.
When you sent out data, the ack line came down as the new data went out
I assume. Thus the interrupt was shut down within the interrupt service
routing. For PPS it is not. 

> You have extra registers for enhanced modes: ECP EPP
> and the added DMA support and any ancillary function added.
> usually 400hex higher than the legacy address.
> With a PCI card you get an additional PCI to ISA bridge and
> some adaptive logic to interface ints to the pci logic.
> forex this chip :ST78C34:
>       http://www.exar.com/Common/Content/Document.ashx?id=163&LanguageId=1033
> or similar from TI:
>       http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/tl16pir552.pdf

> uwe

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