David J Taylor wrote:
"A C" <agcarver+...@acarver.net> wrote in message news:4f4c0508.2010...@acarver.net...

Zilog was completely standard on sun4c and sun4m so it's neither case of non-standard nor faulty hardware. It's just different (but standard for the architecture). It also hasn't been fully worked through likely because the much more recent Sun hardware had shifted to other hardware components in an effort to reduce costs. Eventually, of course, Sun switched architectures entirely and the latest Sun hardware has an Intel based design rather than the orignal Sun RISC processor designs.

OK, so non-standard architecture (for today), then!

The IBM-PC Hardware was quite the regression for the time.

The 68k and Z80 Systems had "real*" and capable IO integrated circuits.
The initial TTL bitbang stuff was really limited.

Z8035, Z8530, M68851, M68230, ..


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