Thanks for the info.  Comments inline.

On 3/4/2012 1:51 PM, David J Taylor wrote:
Hi all,
From my reading, it appears that I need to add the following to the Sure Electronics package of parts:

1) DB-9 Male - DB-9 Female serial cable

Correct. I got mine from Amazon. Search for "2m 9 Pin Serial / RS-232 Extension Cable M-F".

2) Motherboard header - DB-9 port adapter

Correct, if you don't already have a serial port on your PC. Check that the motherboard has the COM port header, of course!

3) Plastic box for mounting.  Misc hardware like screws, standoffs, etc.

(David T. or others, I don't suppose you can suggest any specific part numbers for those hardware items from Radio Shack [do you have those in the UK], Mouser, or DigiKey. Just thought I'd ask.)

I used N90BQ from Maplin.

and filed out the openings for the connectors.

Interesting that you used a metal box. I guess it doesn't matter since the antenna is external. I think a clear lid might be cool to see the lights.

My plan of attack is as follows, although the sequence may vary:

A) Get the unit working "at all", using USB NMEA data only. I would hope to see performance equal to my BU-353.

I only use USB for power.  Not data.

B) Get the unit working with NMEA data from the RS-232 port, going through a Trendnet TU-S9 USB - Serial converter, based on the Prolific chipset. Performance should, again, be similar to the BU-353 (which also uses the Prolific chipset internally).

Why bother?

I have three computers, all of which dual boot between some version of Windows and Ubuntu 11.04. Two of those are laptops. I also have an old Pentium 4 laptop which only runs Ubuntu. (It makes a nice heater. It's nickname in the industry is global thermonuclear reactor.) I try to keep all of these 6 main configurations functionally equivalent. I'd like to be able to plug a GPS into any one and have it work, with any OS. Two of the three main PC's are laptops, with no real serial port. I started with the BU-353 on one particular laptop. That unit has a built in Prolific serial - USB circuit. I'm curious to see how the performance is using an external serial - USB chipset (which just happens to use the same chipset). For the two laptops, USB is the only way into the machine. Also, I may want to use the laptop for navigation some day.

C) Get the unit working with NMEA data from the RS-232 port, going to a real serial port. I have to tinker with the motherboard on another computer to do that.

Find an old computer with a serial port, and run the software Sure provide.

D) Get the unit working with NMEA + PPS, with data from the RS-232 port, going through the TU-S9, which claims to pass all the handshaking signals. I'll have to do the mods that David recommends on the board for this. Hopefully, the same procedure will still work on the recent boards. This is where I'm hoping to get + / - 1 ms performance.

Why bother?

Mainly curiosity. I'm getting + / - 6 ms from a USB only device now. I want to see what the max performance I can get with USB with handshaking is possible. I think I can break the + / - 1 ms barrier. Why do you climb Mount Everest - because it's there! PS - I would never climb Mount Everest - I hate high places with steep cliffs and without walls - and I hate the cold.

E) Get the unit working with NMEA + PPS, with data from the RS-232 port, going to a real serial port on the other computer.

This should be an interesting adventure, hopefully ending with a time server running at 100 us accuracy or better.



You are confusing me with how many computers you have! Designate one as your stratum-1 server, and get it right, with the serial I/O, adding the header should you need it.

See comment under B above. Also, as a curious engineer, I like to compare performance on different environments and systems.

As you already have something which works, I would take a much more aggressive approach.

- get serial I/O somehow and check the unit works, applying power via the USB lead.

- carefully, add the PPS/DCD modification (two wires to solder) which translates the TTL-level from the board to the RS-232 level required by the PC.

- use my Serial LEDs program to verify the PPS signal.

- configure NTP around the new unit.

Have fun!


Thanks for the help. I'm not the best with mechanical things, I'm better at electronic or software things. However, I can work my way around a screwdriver, wrench, Dremel tool, and soldering iron if I have to. If I can even find those tools, but that's another story. I'm sure parts of this will be fun, and I'm sure the project will be interesting. I'll try to report back on my findings.




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Ron Frazier
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