"Ron Frazier (NTP)" <timekeepingntpl...@c3energy.com> wrote in message news:4f58b4fc.4060...@c3energy.com...
On the Status tab, that's where it displays all the offsets, similar to the ntpq -p command. I don't know how it gets this data. On the Statistics screen, if you select the directory where your statistics files are, you can graph either loopstats or peerstats files. I think clockstats is the third type. I don't know if there is anything to graph in that or not.

No, I've not played with those fields in that program. I wrote my own loopstats analyser.

The Fix Quality field. 0 = Invalid, 1 = GPS fix, 2 = DGPS fix. I would hope that NTP rejects any data with 0 in this field, but I don't read the sources at all well.

OK. I see your point. They call that FIX_MODE on this page which you mentioned before.


I didn't see that field before.

There are lots of things I can't even find, let alone "see" them!  <G>

Based on the aforementioned web page, it looks like the possible validity fields are as follows:

GPRMC sentence - POS_STAT
GPGLL sentence - POS_STAT
GPGGA sentence - FIX_MODE
GPZDA sentence - none, as you observed
GPZDG sentence - V or maybe signal strength

I don't know if my GPS will do GPZDG. Otherwise I might try it. It may be proprietary to some GPS's.

We still don't know if NTPD recognizes any of these fields, or if the behavior is different in Windows and Linux. If it does, I might switch back to another sentence. However, I already know it will increase my NMEA jitter. If I can get PPS working, that won't matter as much. That's not an option with the BU-353 though.

Take a look at the source, refclock_nmea.c, around line 868 in the copy I have. It does checks on $GPZDG, $GPMRC, $GPGGA and $GPGLL, but what it does with the checks I can't easily follow.

Peerstats is now on. Not totally sure what to do with it, but it's there.



David Lord answered this, I wrote a small Windows program for my own purposes.

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