Alby VA wrote:
On Mar 13, 9:59 am, David Lord <> wrote:
That seems to be working ok.

The NMEA sentences aren't being reported because PPS is being
used to condition the system clock.


 Okay. My whole understanding of NTP and Clocks is now
becoming clearer. My apologies, I'm still a n00b.

 So what you are saying is the GPS time via the SureGPS
device is now being ignored and the time of my machine is
now being held in check by the PPS signal? If yes, does
that mean seeing "oGPS_NMEA" is better than seeing

 Since I can't find any docs on deciphering the ntpq output,
I'm trying to understand what the symbols next to each
entry represent. Some I've found, but maybe you could
correct me:

o = ???
* = ??? (My Assumption: preferred time server)
x = ??? (My Assumption: False Tick - Bad Time)
+ = ??? (My Assumption: Next Best Server for Time)
- = ??? (My Assumption: Ignore this useless server)

** Sorry for all the questions. Just trying to educate myself on being
time master too. :)

That code indicates PPS is conditioning the system clock.

I don't know why your previous ntp.conf wasn't working.
Sometimes when there are problems I've found there are two
instances of ntpd running so if I have a problem one check
is with "ps ax | grep ntpd" and "cat /var/db/ntp/ntpd.drif"


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