On 2012-03-14, David J Taylor <david-tay...@blueyonder.co.uk.invalid> wrote:
> "unruh" <un...@invalid.ca> wrote in message 
> news:I1T7r.36416$l12.35...@newsfe23.iad...
> []
>> Did you shut down and restart your computer? Did you perchance do this
>> during the daylight savings time transition on a Windows system? Could
>> the error be related to the fact that Windows like time on localtime not
>> UTC?
> Windows uses UTC internally, not local time.  Local time is simply a 
> presentation layer issue.  Windows is unaffected by a DST transition.

That must be new, since windows certainly used to maintain system time
as local time. Caused numberous headaches for people using both Windows
and Linux. 

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