On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 1:51 PM, Ron Frazier (NTP) <
timekeepingntpl...@c3energy.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I was doing some GPS research and found this site with lots of GPS's and
> accessories.  Just thought I'd pass it along.
> http://www.gpssensors.com/
> I don't know which ones are timing GPS's.

None of them.   If you are looking for a brand new timing GPS and don't
like buying on eBay, I think the best deal is going to be The M12M because
Synergy has offered to sell to people on these email lists at a discounted
price of just below $60.  If you had to pay list price for a new production
timing unit you'd pay 10X that much.    I don't mind buying older units on
eBay but I can understand if sue one wanted technical support and a
warranty and current 2012 state of the art, you don't get any of that on

Here is a link Synergy
You will have to talk directly to them about buying it and ask for the
reduced price.    I have two of a 15 year old version of this.  I looks
almost the same.  they have the same 10 pin male header except now they use
0.05 inch sping rather then 0.1



Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California
questions mailing list

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