Oh. Thanks.

This "true" flag may be the root cause of the problem. Along with slew
adjusting instead of stepping. Thank you, I'll try to investigate his
problem further.

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> Paul Malishev wrote:
> > I have two ntpd peers which exchange time between
> >  themselves and also receive time from external server.
> > I believe that at some moment connection to external
> >  server was lost and time on these two peers drifted a bit.
> >
> > When connection to external server was restored both ntpd
> >  on both peers logged something like:
> > Jun  5 13:21:09 peer0 ntpd[5052]:
> >  frequency error 18158 PPM exceeds tolerance 500 PPM
> >
> > After that there were a lot of messages with not so big freq error:
> > Jun  5 13:23:18 DIG ntpd[5052]:
> >  frequency error 608 PPM exceeds tolerance 500 PPM
> ...
> > When an operator saw time difference with external server about 30sec
> ...
>  They must have been unable to reach the external server,
>  for a really long time?
> > server noselect
> > fudge stratum 10
>  If it looses the all other servers, it will likely continue
>   to run away at whatever frequency was last set;
>  If it can still contact the internal peer,
>   they should run off together (or one would chase the other).
>  You might try orphan mode instead; e.g.
> tos cohort 1 orphan 10
>  <http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~mills/ntp/html/orphan.html>
>  {Although I'm not certain it would have any significant value,
>    when only one other server can be reached.}
> > restrict mask
>  If you ever use a server by host name,
>  especially when the name may return multiple A records,
>  (e.g. pool servers) you may need to add a restrict source
>  line; e.g.
> restrict source nomodify
> > tinker step 0
>  Remove that if you want it to step, instead of slew always.
>  BTW, step 0 also disables kernel discipline!
> > tos minclock 1 minsane 1
> MinSane defaults to 1 ?
> > peer burst iburst minpoll 4 maxpoll 6 prefer true
> > server **external-server-ip** burst iburst minpoll 4 maxpoll 6 true
>  You should not do "burst" on servers that are not your own.
>  {I have no idea who **external-server-ip** belongs to.}
>   {"iburst" is fine}
>  The docs also seem to say to not use burst or iburst with "peer" ?
>  <http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~mills/ntp/html/assoc.html>
>  <http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~mills/ntp/html/confopt.html>
>  Are you really intentionally saying to treat both
>  the other internal server and the external server
>  as if they always have valid time, with the true option?
>   {Even if some day they may not be even close.}
>   Are you treating them both as true chimers
>    because you only have two servers to reference?
> --
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