On 10/17/2012 8:27 AM, Hahn, Ron wrote:

I am putting together some Motorola Oncore UT+ boards to replace my Sure boards 
in my ntp servers.  I am using this http://www.tapr.org/gps_vpib.html board as 
the templat for the interface circuits.  The circuit calls for a BR2325 battery 
which I cannot find in the local parts store.  Is there a person on this list 
with experiences of this board design that can tell me what I can substitute 
for this part?  Or maybe it is not necessary?  I am not even sure if the 
battery is necessary but from my experiences the boards go from a cold start 
whenever power is interrupting. One of my servers is part of the ntp pool so I 
am needing the rapid recovery if the power is interrupted. My systems are on 
the UPS so maybe this battery is not required?

Thanks for the helping hands,


Please use your return key!! The first line of your message runs right off my screen! sixty to one hundred characters per line seems a reasonable length to me. Greater lengths may be difficult for some
people to read!

The battery you are seeking is available at Amazon.com for $3.99 U.S. for one battery. Another seller is offering a package of five for $9.95 U.S.


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