On 2012-12-10 22:18, David Woolley wrote:
Jeroen Mostert wrote:

For what it's worth, after all of that, the offset is steadily zigzagging
between 27 and 41 ms, which I'm guessing is about the best you can hope for on
a Windows machine with Internet sync. There have not been any major time step

Offsets should be scattered around zero. If they are all the same sign,
something is wrong.

OK. Well, that's too bad, I guess.

Throw me a bone here, fellas. It's nice to know something is wrong, but if all I can see is that all peers consistently report offsets in this range, the best I can conclude is that either ntpd simply isn't successful in disciplining the clock appropriately, or there is some network problem going on that someone who understands the NTP protocol could probably diagnose. That someone would not yet be me.

If I offset the offsets (pardon my math) by -33 milliseconds, I'd roughly have a zero axis that they'd be swinging around with a range of -10/+10. According to unruh, even that would still be horrible in terms of accuracy, so I'm not sure if that's fair in its simplicity.


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