
I built an NTP server with a GPS and PPS as per this guide (exact hardware):


I got things up and running with the same result as per said guide, before 
determining that my PPS wasn't wired up correctly.

I fixed that, and now I'm sure it's wired up - it's now detected in dmesg, and 
ppstest indicates it's running.

As far as any NTP diagnostic I can find goes however, nothing is any different 
(it feels like I have less drift, but I didn't keep graphs before), which leads 
me to the question of "how do I know it's working?".

As per the guide, I run this in ntp.conf:

server mode 17 minpoll 3 iburst true prefer
fudge flag1 1 time2 0.496

I can definitely see, in ntpq -p, the GPS_NMEA driver being used.

I can see a related thread here:


Specifically, my googling generally pointed me at looking for PPSSIGNAL in the 
status, however, it seems that a lack of it (as is my case) is "normal" in many 

Any advice appreciated.


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