wrote: > It is also my experience that long term crystal stability > in these devices is way better than their absolute accuracy. > So a one-time calibration is a big improvement over assuming > the nominal sampling frequency. > As I have pointed out before, whatever the timing jitter > is in a radio internet connection, a sufficiently long > calibration run with a sample at the beginning and at the > end can give me the required ..02 cent accuracy (12 PPM). > And there is every indication that the required time > period will be less than the time it takes the user to > get a good night's sleep.
Temperature likely makes the biggest difference in the oscillators' frequency wander. If as you said before the processor oscillator, is not used for the audio oscillator, nor is the audio oscillator a derivative of the processor oscillator, then you should be able to cross compare them? -- E-Mail Sent to this address <> will be added to the BlackLists. _______________________________________________ questions mailing list