On 2013-01-28, jack flora <flora...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to know if NTP can be used to measure latency between
> publishers and subscribers in a distributed computing environment. NTP is
> configured on all the nodes. How do I use the statistics collected on both
> the nodes to measure latency. Is there any tool that I can use for the same?

Latency of what? What is a publisher and subscriber. In my definition of
those words the latency would be weeks or months and ntp would hardly be
needed but clearly you have a different definition. 

IF ntp is installed on every node, then you can assume that the clocks
on each machine are as accurately as possibly synced to UTC. That does
not however take into account any network asymmetries. For that, put a
gps clock on each computer. 

> Thanks

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