On 15/02/2013 21:18, unruh wrote:
It is also not an issue if you do not buy Garmin. But so what? If you
buy old stock it is an issue. You CAN fix it as you say, but you must
fix it. It is like saying that if you buy a car whose wheels fall off,
it is not an issue if you fix it the problem. True, but it IS an issue
if you have to fix something before it is useable.

Non-issue, Bill. Even if you buy a new Windows PC (or likely Linux system), one of the first things you will be asked to do it to update the software. Same may apply to a new camera, especially a very recent model. It's a fact of life these days.

What evidence do you have that there are /any/ non-fixed GPS 18x LVCs still available at retail? None, I suspect. Drop this now, and let's get back to NTP, please.
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