> > byzantine wars?
> >
> > I would like to suggest to use language without any ambiguity.
> > Yes, it is probably more fun for the developer this way, but for others,
> > especially the ones who are not native English speakers, these texts are
> > confusing. For example "the survivors split a million bucks": is it
> > supposed to be funny or does it have a special meaning?
> I am positive that no matter where you live, the television show
> "Survivor" has made its appearance. 

Never seen it.
And yes, it was on television over here in the Netherlands.

> If you do not like humour (which I agree can in some cases not
> translate well, but you are reading it in English) then reading David
> Mills' code is probably not for you. 

It is not about liking humour, it it about making it more difficult to
comprehend what is going on in a piece of code. And comments with
riddles in them makes this more difficult.

Folkert van Heusden

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