On 6/17/2013 16:55, Richard Cagley wrote:
Based on poor luck with ntpd/pps, I'm trying to have ntpd use the shared
memory driver provided by gpsd. Do I need to give a special flag to
configure for ntp to tell it to build in support for the shared memory

Using this for my ntp.conf
server minpoll 4
fudge refid NMEA
I get nothing
/ # ntpq -p
      remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset
  SHM(0)          .NMEA.           0 l    -   16    0    0.000    0.000

but, gpsd is patiently waiting for something to happen...
/ # gpsd -b -N -D5 /dev/ttyO0

You need -n (lower case N) to force gpsd to start collecting data automatically. It normally waits for something to connect to its TCP port and enable data collection (the WATCH command as you discovered). If you start with just:

gpsd -bn /dev/ttyO0

You'll find the SHMs are populated after a few seconds (once gpsd syncs with the data stream from the receiver).

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