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Orna Sumszyk wrote:

My last question is how can I monitor the time offset from my ntp server
during the running of ntpd to make sure this happens?

Use a PCI parallel port, or possibly a modem control signal on a PCI serial port. Output a pulse on that port and also record the interpolated system time at that time. Use a hardware counter to measure the the time difference between the pulses form the two machines and combine that with the information they output about their view of the time when they output the pulses.

Although loopstats will give you the "offset" used as input to the ntpd clock discipline algorithm, this includes various random and systematic errors that cannot be measured without special instrumentation, like that described above. If they could be accurately measured in real time, ntpd would be using them to correct the time to a level at which the errors could no longer be corrected in that way.

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