Thanks for the answers!
The reason of such a configuration is simple. Our equipment is a 
mission-critical set of devices that shall be running without NTP server 
available. Some drift away from a true time is tolerable. However, all devices 
must be synched with each other, to a max of 50ms. That's why I have as a fallback - "if no NTP server available, give devices at least 
your wrong timestamp and get all synched with it". 
The 3 sec drift I set just to emulate the behavior of our "floating NTP island" 
for example after 2 years of no upsync. And the fact the time made a jump as 
soon as true server appeared, makes all the devices to jump, but not at the 
same time due to polling rates, causing all the devices to loose synch for at 
least max polling time. The ideal behavior I would like to reach is that the 
server will start to correct the time, slowly coming to the "real" NTP time.
Thanks in advance for your advises!

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