On 8/13/2013 5:07 PM, David Taylor wrote:
> On 13/08/2013 21:23, Danny Mayer wrote:
> []
>> All binaries need to be built together with the same versions. You
>> should not be mixing binaries.
>> Danny
> Thanks, Danny.  Perhaps,ideally, but in that case, why are the SSL
> sources not in the distributed NTP source files?

NTP doesn't own the OpenSSL sources so we don't distribute it. People
can get their own if they want it.

> When people may have different SSL DLLs, which may be shared with other
> software, a multi-use .EXE is a solution which works well.  I'm happy
> providing .EXE files, as are those who use them, I would be less happy
> providing potentially shared DLLs which could break other software if
> overwritten.

OpenSSL is not build correctly for proper versioning. It needs to use
fixed ordinals for each entry point in a .def file that gets updated as
new entry points are added but that's not being done. Microsoft does
this correctly but it's not generally done as it is a painful chore
setting it up and maintaining it correctly. VMS always did this right.

You don't need to share the DLL's. As long as the DLL's are in the same
directory as the .exe files and are in their own directory, the O/S will
look in the same directory first when the .exe needs the dll's. It's not
hard to do.

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