unruh <un...@invalid.ca> wrote:
> On 2013-09-09, Horvath Bob-BHORVAT1 <bob.horv...@motorolasolutions.com> wrote:
>> Another question if you guys have the time :),
>> We situations in which we have almost everything deployed as virtualized 
>> servers running inside of VMware ESXi.    It seems like the recommendation 
>> on time synchronization  with ESXi has changed from release to release.  It 
>> seems to boil down to one of the following:
>> A)     Run ntpd on the bare iron at the ESXi layer and let it change the 
>> virtual hardware clock (without ntpd running on VMs)
>> B)      Run ntpd on the bare iron at the ESXi layer and let ntpd on the VMs 
>> use it as a time source
>> C)      Run ntpd on all the VMs and point them to as many "good" ntp servers 
>> that you can find whether in its own ESXi or another physical server's ntpd.
> Use A. C is horrible, and it is very easy for the VM's to exceed the
> 500PPM ntpd threshold. And ntpd does a really horrible job of
> disciplining a clock that keeps changing and losing time on a short
> timescale. It is designed for a clock with a bad, but consistant, rate.
> By design it takes a long time to settle down. And having something like
> your VM clock going to sleep for random amounts of time will drive ntpd
> crazy. That rules out 2 or 3. 
> Any virtual machine should get its time from the underlying system. 

Meaningless babble from someone without experience with ESXi.
Bob, please don't base your decisions on this.

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