On 11/12/2013 1:02 PM, Gary Johnson wrote:
On 2013-11-12, John Hasler wrote:
Brian Utterback writes:
However, it begs the question of why somebody thought that printing
"M-" before characters with the high order bit turned on would be a
good idea.
ASCII characters with the high bit turned on are control characters.
No, they're not.  Control characters are those with all but the
lowest five bits set to 0.

"M-" is a common notation for control as in "M-J" for "control-J".
M-J is 0xCA whereas Ctrl-J is 0x0A.


Okay, I can see why someone might have "thought it was a good idea at the time", but it clearly fails as a long term strategy since it is only obvious after it is explained. And particularly considering that this feature would never be exercised except through a bug.

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