David Woolley schrieb:
On 28/11/13 08:34, Martin Burnicki wrote:
In such case ntpd only had to make the disciplined system time available
on the network, e.g. using the local clock driver with stratum-0.

I believe this is the case for which the typical sample configurations
apply.  They don't use stratum zero, although they don't use as high a
number as for a time island.  They don't use zero because,  with this
configuration, ntpd doesn't know when the clock has failed, whereas,
with a real clock driver it should.

Basically I agree.

The scenario I meant is exactly when ntpd is unable to access the hardware refclock directly, and thus is unable to determine if the refclock hardware is OK, or not.

The Windows system time might be disciplined by a different time adjustment service, and how accurately this is done depends on the implementation of that service.

For example, if you use one of our (Meinberg) GPS PCI cards under Windows then the time adjustment service coming with our driver package is used to discipline the Windows system time. This is at least as accurately as can be done by ntpd, but uses a faster control loop, and can even cause some action (notification or whatever) when the GPS receiver goes out of sync or gains sync again.

Of course the drawback is that ntpd has no information about the status of the hardware refclock. However:

- If there's only a single such server on the network then the clients usually should still follow this server even if the external time adjustment service stops disciplining the system time. This matches the original idea of the local clock.

- If there are several such servers on the network and on one of them the Windows system time stops to be synchronized by the external program then real NTP clients which poll all those servers should identify the failing machine as false ticker as soon as the time on this machine starts to drift away.

If all the NTP clients run ntpd then if probably doesn't matter much if the local clock's stratum is 0 or 12. However, there are NTP client implementations out there which expect a certain "good" stratum from their server or would refuse it otherwise.

So IMO it's a good idea to use the local clock with stratum 0 in such case.

Martin Burnicki

Meinberg Funkuhren
Bad Pyrmont

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