DaveB wrote:
In article <k7kdnw2t7onhkddpnz2dnuvz_rodn...@supernews.com>, lau...@acm.org says...
If you built it from a port, it gets installed in /usr/local/bin.  The
default system built ntp programs go in /usr/bin or /usr/sbin.


Thanks Tom (and the rest of the collective)..

That's exactly were it was hiding (in plain sight!)

I've added override variables in /etc/rc.conf to point to both ntpd and ntpdate that are located in /usr/local/bin.

I also see there is a companion ntpq in there too, but in /etc/default/rc.conf There is no "default" path set to that program.

For now, I've a commented out line in /etc/rc.conf
# ntpq_program="/usr/local/bin/ntpq"

Commented out as I don't know if that will work.  (I'm still re-
educating myself with the neuances of BSD, it's been a while.)

Ntpdate was only run the one time to yank the box to current date-time, but ntpq is of course run as needed to see what's happening, often over a sshd session, if I get an email from someone wondering why something appears to have gone awry, on a yet to be reinstated webpage.

For now, having stopped ntpd, applied the changes I need in /etc/rc.conf then restarted ntpd, sure enough, the Meinberg monitor program on the Windows PC accross the room now reports the BSD box is running ntpd 4.2.6p5@ built on December the 14th at 10:15 UTC, that is indeed the day and time I built it. So... So far, so good.

Comments would be appreciated re setting the path to ntpq, but for now, all's working, while I figure out what next to do...

Again this is from NetBSD-6 rather than FreeBSD-5.2.1.

I have /etc/profile used to set profile for newly created users
and have changed PATH so /usr/local/(s)bin is found before
/usr/pkg/(s)bin before /(s)bin. I also updated .profile and
.bash_profile for existing users.

Note this is a security risk if users can drop programs in


Best Regards.

Dave B.

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