Miroslav Lichvar wrote:
On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 02:28:32PM +0100, Martin Burnicki wrote:
Harlan Stenn wrote:
  pool 0.debian.pool.ntp.org iburst

I bet the "server" options for pool servers are in there because
this was used in earlier versions before the "pool" keyword was
introduced, and it still works.

instead, and I'd have to look up when the 'pool' directive was put in

IIRC this is supported in 4.2.6, but has not been supported in
4.2.4p8 and earlier. If the ntp.conf file shipped with a particular
OS has been initially created a long time ago and always been
updated for newer NTP versions then I'm not surprised to see this.

IIRC the pool command in 4.2.6 uses quite a lot of servers, which
probably is not an acceptable use of pool.ntp.org. I think it was
improved later in 4.2.7. The page about recommended configuration
doesn't mention it yet.


Vendors should be careful with the pool command.


Personally I'm not using the pool command very often since in most cases I have to deal with specific refclocks. I'm biased. ;-)

Martin Burnicki

Meinberg Funkuhren
Bad Pyrmont

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