On 23/01/14 13:06, Marco Marongiu wrote:

3) second filter: a new value for the error that fits the majority of
these C references is calculated; the L references that don't fit in
this error interval are called "outlyers"; the S=C-L references that
remain are considered;

Ones that don't fall within the the largest mutually consistent set of error bounds are called "false tickers", not "outlyers".

4) peer selection: among the references in S, the one that has the
smallest dispersion is selected, and ntpd will "follow" it until the
next evaluation of the data collected from the sources.

This is used for the figurehead peer that defines the stratum and error statistics. All the ones that are valid and not outlyers or false tickers will be tracked for time synchronisation purposes. (The is a hysteresis mechanism that means that the system peer will not change as often as the description implies.)

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