Harlan Stenn wrote:
> BlackLists writes:
>> joeri delvoy wrote:
>>> does sntp force the time of the system clock automatically when run as root
>> ,
>>>  or do you need to add an optional parameter to do so?
>> <http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~mills/ntp/html/sntp.html>
> Those pages are a) slightly out of date, and b) specifically for the
> latest ntp-dev code.
> The better place to look for version-specific documentation is:
>  http://doc.ntp.org

Using the search on <http://doc.ntp.org/> returns nothing about sntp command 
line options?
 {e.g. Match: Any, 4.2.6p5 , search for SNTP,
   5 returns, none of value to the question asked by the OP.}

I thought they were looking for 4.2.7 Dev docs?

The "NTP-Dev" link on that page links to

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