Sander Smeenk <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm running four NTP-servers. One has a PPS and is stratum-1, the other
> three sync from that one primarily and have a few out-of-band fallback
> servers configured. This seems to work fine.
> However, if i check 'ntpq -c lpeers' on one of the three stratum-2
> servers i see an IP-address listed as 'refid' for the 'peer'-entries
> in my configuration. This IP-address is not used in any of my
> configurations, no traffic is flowing to- or from that IP either.
> Could someone explain me where this IP comes from:
>| root@dns1:~# ntpq -c lpeers
>|      remote           refid
>| ===============================
>| *someserver.tld  .PPS.
>| +someserver2.tld .GPS.
>| -someserver3.tld .PPS.
>| +someserver4.tld .PPS.
> Evidently, on dns2 it shows dns1 and dns3 with the same IP.
> And on dns3 it shows dns1 and dns2 with the same IP.

The refid column is not a representation of the name in the remote
Rather it is the place where the remote server takes its time from.

So in the above, dns2 and dns3 (two separate servers) both take
their time from
This is not a server you are talking to, but a server they are
talking to.

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